EasySky Crack + (LifeTime) Activation Code PC/Windows EasySky is an outstanding astronomy software that will show you the complete night sky and our solar system in a 3D view with the planets, comets, and asteroids from any place at any time. Here are some key features of "EasySky": ■ Multiple Document Interface (MDI) - more than one window simultaneously ■ Huge database ■ PPM with 340,000 stars included ■ GSC with 15 million stars supported ■ NGC, Messier with more than 13,000 objects ■ All asteroids (converter for update included) ■ Freely definable horizon (mountains, houses,.) ■ Animation with all objects in real time or arbitrary steps ■ Animation of Jupiter's satellites ■ Printing of star charts ■ 3D solar system view ■ Different animation possibilities also in the solar system ■ Location and time arbitrarily eligible ■ Settings can be saved as documents and later be loaded again ■ Many images of galaxies, planets - "slide show" ■ Realistic display by the use of grey levels ■ Colors freely adjustable (user dependent) ■ Keyboard shortcuts for quicker handling Limitations: ■ Sky view: ■ Stars only to 7 m ■ Deep-Sky objects only to 10 m ■ only numbered asteroids ■ no user asteroids ■ no user objects ■ no calculation of ephemerides ■ only 2 simultaneous trails possible ■ shows up "Demo Version" (also in printouts) ■ Solar system view: ■ only numbered asteroids ■ "sitting on objects" not possible ■ only 2 simultaneous orbits possible ■ only 2 simultaneous markers possible ■ shows up "Demo Version" (also in printouts) Here are the keys to the display of a star chart: - Tab: In normal mode objects are shown in the foreground (1st line), horizons (2nd line), constellations (3rd line), and moons (4th line). - Shift+Tab: In "slide show" mode objects are shown in the foreground (1st line), planets (2nd line), asteroids (3rd line), constellations ( EasySky Crack+ [April-2022] ■ Multi-key modifier. ■ In combination with "Shift", modifier combinations can be defined ■ On single keys, special characters can be typed without double-click ■ "Open file" opens the current document ■ "Save file" saves the current document ■ "Close window" closes the current window ■ "New Window" opens a new window ■ "Open windows" opens a list of all open documents ■ "Window" opens the document selected in the list ■ "Next Window" continues with the selected window ■ "Previous Window" goes back to the previous window ■ "Forward" steps through the windows in the list ■ "Backward" steps through the windows in the list ■ "Open file" without double-click opens the file in the current directory ■ "Save file" without double-click saves the file in the current directory ■ "Close file" without double-click closes the file ■ "Exit" stops the application ■ "Hide/Show browser" hides/shows the browser window ■ "Hide/Show document" hides/shows the document window ■ "Load file" loads the file from the current directory ■ "Open Link/Download Link" opens the document at the specified URL ■ "Find Next" finds the next occurrence of the string in the current window ■ "Find Previous" finds the previous occurrence of the string in the current window ■ "Home" returns to the beginning of the document ■ "End" returns to the end of the document ■ "Page Up" returns to the beginning of the previous page ■ "Page Down" returns to the end of the previous page ■ "Alt + F4" closes the current window ■ "Ctrl + Alt + F4" closes the current window ■ "Alt + F7" maximizes the current window ■ "Ctrl + Alt + F7" maximizes the current window ■ "Alt + Shift + F7" maximizes the current window ■ "Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F7" maximizes the current window ■ "Print" can be used to print the current document 77a5ca646e EasySky Crack+ Free PC/Windows EasySky is an outstanding astronomy software that will show you the complete night sky and our solar system in a 3D view with the planets, comets, and asteroids from any place at any time. Here are some key features of "EasySky": ■ Multiple Document Interface (MDI) - more than one window simultaneously ■ Huge database ■ PPM with 340,000 stars included ■ GSC with 15 million stars supported ■ NGC, Messier with more than 13,000 objects ■ All asteroids (converter for update included) ■ Freely definable horizon (mountains, houses,.) ■ Animation with all objects in real time or arbitrary steps ■ Fixing of an arbitrary object in the screen center ■ Animation of Jupiter's satellites ■ Printing of star charts ■ 3D solar system view ■ Different animation possibilities also in the solar system ■ Location and time arbitrarily eligible ■ Settings can be saved as documents and later be loaded again ■ Many images of galaxies, planets - "slide show" ■ Realistic display by the use of grey levels ■ Colors freely adjustable (user dependent) ■ Keyboard shortcuts for quicker handling Limitations: ■ Sky view: ■ Stars only to 7 m ■ Deep-Sky objects only to 10 m ■ only numbered asteroids ■ no user asteroids ■ no calculation of ephemerides ■ only 2 simultaneous trails possible ■ shows up "Demo Version" (also in printouts) ■ Solar system view: ■ only numbered asteroids ■ "sitting on objects" not possible ■ only 2 simultaneous orbits possible ■ only 2 simultaneous markers possible ■ shows up "Demo Version" (also in printouts) Solar System Overview The solar system is organized into a starry circle (actually a sphere), with the sun in the middle. The circle is divided into 96 sections by 15 lines, which divide the circle into 15x15 sections. The galaxy is outside the circle (in our 3D view, it is in the center of the circle). We have assumed a distance of about 15 billion light years. The galaxy is What's New In? EasySky is the most powerful and robust 3D constellation program on the market. It's powerful enough to display any star or planet, even deep-sky objects, accurately to anywhere in the sky, anywhere at any time, and with any level of detail. It can display comets, asteroids, and even the moon. It's particularly useful in 3D constellation astronomy because it shows up in 3D, making it easy to see if it's a true "star" or not. EasySky is packed with features, including extensive functionality that enables the user to perform a variety of sophisticated astronomical functions. This package includes the desktop program: EasySky - the full version - 495mb - a demo version - 59mb EasySky package, in 3D viewing mode, shows up as follows: > Features: Intuitive: EasySky is extremely easy to use, even for the beginner. No scripting, no technical skills are necessary. Extensive: EasySky offers a massive database of astronomical objects, including 1,900,000 stars and 330,000 planets. Customizable: All user settings can be saved for later use or reloaded. Advanced: EasySky offers an extensive number of settings and commands to customize the display and perform even sophisticated functions. Compatible: EasySky is a Windows program and can run on Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7, and later. Keyboard Shortcuts: Keyboard shortcuts are included to make it easy to perform common tasks, such as changing objects, getting objects, and making object combinations. High Quality: EasySky uses an extremely high quality graphics engine to produce stunning 3D pictures of the sky. Extensive Settings: EasySky provides a number of options to help fine-tune the display, including help for viewing, scripting, general settings, and more. License: EasySky can be run under the Free Software Foundation's GNU General Public License. Legal Information: EasySky is provided as free software under the GNU General Public License. You can download it from SourceForge.net. Translations: EasySky is available in many languages and can be downloaded from the EasySky website. DLLs: EasySky is distributed with one or more dynamically linked libraries (DLLs). Documentation: EasySky includes detailed documentation about the program. Current Version: EasySky is version 1.2. Trademarks: EasySky is a registered trademark of Thompson Soft, Inc. Contact Information: Information about distributing EasySky or making a purchase can be found on the EasySky website. Notification: EasySky is distributed as free software under the GNU General Public License. If you wish to obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License, please contact Thompson Soft, Inc. at the address below. Recognition: EasySky is a registered trademark of Thompson Soft System Requirements: Rift. Graphics card: 500Mhz or more RAM: 512mb Hard Drive: 300mb Processor: 650Mhz or more Internet: DirectX 9 compatible Note: For optimal performance, play in 1024 x 768 and a mouse with a button wheel. This is also for use with Windows Vista/7. All other systems are for Windows 98/2000/XP. For Mac OSX and Linux, this version is an Early Access build. It will be completed and released soon. Note: MAC/
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